“Big-O Algorithms” Course Released

Big-O Algorithms Course

The post “Big-O Algorithms” Course Released first appeared on Qvault.

We’ve launched our new Big-O Algorithms course! We wrote this course for engineers who need a refresher on computer science basics, or want to learn the fundamentals for the first time.

The study of algorithmic complexity is often overlooked by new developers, and we’ve found that get-rich-quick boot camps often skimp on these details. It’s impossible to become a senior developer without being familiar with the concepts in this course, so we figured it was high time we published it.

What’s Included?

The course has three modules covering the following topics:

  • Big-O intro and mathematics overview
  • Sorting algorithms and implementations
  • Complexity theory – P vs NP

We are already planning a sequel to this course, so keep an eye out for that. The sequel will cover data structures and how they play a major role in popular algorithms.


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Coding projects in this course are all written in Go (Golang)! If you aren’t familiar with Go yet, take our Go Mastery course. It’s a growing language and is becoming a cornerstone of back-end and DevOps engineering. All coding assignments and quizzes, as usual, are completed right in the browser. We pride ourselves on keeping our content engaging and all in one convenient place.

If you want to take a deeper look at the course details, you can do so on it’s page official page here.

Thanks For Reading!

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source https://qvault.io/2020/09/14/big-o-algorithms-course-released/


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